Who We Are

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Founded in 1900, the Louisville Bar Association (LBA) is a non-profit voluntary bar organization serving nearly 2,400 attorneys, judges, law students, paralegals and other legal professionals in the Louisville area.  

Supporting our Legal Professionals 

The LBA works to support legal professionalspersonal and professional development by providing: 

  • networking opportunities 
  • up-to-date continuing legal education sessions on topics of local importance led by community experts 
  • leadership and career development resources 
  • opportunities to engage in pro bono work and public service 
  • a modern Bar Center facility for meetings, gatherings and co-working  

Supporting our Community 

We help our members put their skills and talents to good use in support of our community by: 

  • offering pro bono legal service  
  • helping citizens retain qualified attorneys through our Kentucky Lawyer Referral Service
  • convening community conversations on important topics affecting our area 
  • participating in public service activities with local charitable organizations  

The LBA Mission:
Promote justice, professional excellence and respect for the law; improve public access to the judicial system; provide law-related services to the community; and serve our members.

The LBA Motto:
Law. Community. Education.

Quick Facts:

  • Founded in 1900
  • Founding president: James S. Pirtle
  • Current president: Bryan Armstrong
  • Nearly 2,400 current members
  • 80+ CLE seminars each year
  • More than 20 practice sections
  • More than 20,000 legal referrals each year